We encourage people to make contribution towards our website by providing relevant material (e.g. weblinks, data and R/WinBUGS scripts). This page is dedicated to host such information. Please do email us (at guangquan.li@northumbria.ac.uk) if you want to contribute.
- WinBUGS (and OpenBUGS) can be run on Windows, Linux (e.g. Ubuntu) and macOS.
- For Windows, follow the instructions in the BUGS website to install the programme.
- For Linux/macOS, WinBUGS/OpenBUGS needs to be run via wine: see here for installation of wine on Ubuntu and the webpage by David Baumgold provides a set of “easy-to-follow” instructions for installing wine on macOS. Note that, as stated on the wine website, wine is available for macOS 10.8 to 10.14 (Wine won’t work on macOS Catalina 10.15). There is a workaround (here), although we have not tried the implementation with WinBUGS. Alternatively, virtual machines (e.g. VirtualBox, Parallels for Mac or VMware Fusion) could be used.